Welcome to WOW Hardcore!
Permadeath, World Of Warcraft Classic, 1.12 Progressive Realm
You only have one life!
Appeal your death in case of a bug/disconnect open_in_new
Raid difficulties: Normal and Dynamic open_in_new
Leaderboard and in-game hardcore achievements open_in_new
No automated bans. Real Game masters.
Actively fighting bots and cheats. -
Progressive realm & Blizzlike rates (x1)
Experienced staff. We read every reports.open_in_new
PTR realm available for players
Create Account

How to Play
Follow this quick guide to connect and play
download Download and Unzip the game client
You can choose between Original Vanilla 1.12.1 client (recommended) or the Modern Classic 1.14.2 client. Open README_FIRST for instructions.
add_moderator Create your account
You need a new account to play on our private server.
Click here to create one. It's 100% free. -
edit_note Change your Realm list
set realmlist logon-eu-0.wow-hc.comOnly if you did not download our client, open your Game client folder and edit "realmlist" file with a text editor (right click > open with > Notepad), replace its content with our realm list above, save and close. Restart your game.
sync Empty your cache
If you already had the game client, you need to empty your cache, this is very important to prevent multiple issues and conflicts. Open your Game client folder and remove the "WDB" folder (with the game closed)
Permadeath Realm
- radio_button_checked Status: Online
- schedule Uptime:
- group Online Players:
- auto_mode Phase: 4
- rocket_launch Started on: March 26th, 2023
PVP Realm
Resurrect your fallen heroes on our non-permadeath Realm
Alive CharactersLevel 5+ & offline included

Updated every 10 mins
Official Addon
Our official addon is compatible with all clients (Vanilla 1.12 and modern Classic 1.14)
1.12 Vanilla Addons
1.14.2 Modern Classic Addons
Best hardcore players ranked by level and leveling time
Hardcore Realm
# | Name | Lvl. | Traits | Leveling Time | Last words | Killed by | Area | Date |
Achievements are optional feats that all characters start with but can lose depending on their actions while leveling.
Most Dangerous
Top 10 Creatures with the most killed players
Realm First
First players on the realm to achieve level 60, defeat final raid bosses or craft legendary items
Hardcore Realm
Realm First Death

Realm First Class Level 60

Realm First Race Level 60

June 13, 2023, 10:31 PM

February 3, 2024, 10:51 PM

March 3, 2024, 7:45 PM

March 3, 2024, 7:17 PM

March 17, 2024, 9:45 PM

December 15, 2024, 10:39 PM

February 2, 2025, 10:37 PM


March 15th, 2025, 09:10 PM







Latest announcements, patch notes and hotfixes from the WOW Hardcore team
Support us each month and get in-game rewards! (Only available for our Hardcore Realm)
Hardcore Realm
Starting fromPromo -25%
€ -/mo
Green Murloc
Baby Murloc that will follow you around in all your adventures.
City Portals
Access to your faction city portals. 10s cast time - Not usable in combat.
1h30 cooldown
18 slot Bag
Get more bag space with this special 18 slot bag! (For each characters)
BoP - Unique(1)
Animated Avatar
Special rank and animated avatar on the forums to show your amazing support!
Starting fromPromo -25%
€ -/mo
Orange & Green
Baby Murloc that will follow you around in all your adventures.
City Portals
Access to your faction city portals. 10s cast time - Not usable in combat.
1 hour cooldown
Dual Specialization
Free for each character, available at any Innkeeper
Lvl.40 & 1h cooldown
2 x 18 slot Bag
Get 2 units of the 18 slot bag! (For each characters)
BoP - Unique(2)
20 slot Bag
Get more bag space with this special 20 slot bag! (For each characters)
BoP - Unique(1)
Tabard of Frost
Unique tabard formerly obtained from the World Of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Animated Avatar
Special rank and animated avatar on the forums to show your amazing support!
+5% HC Coins
You get a 5% HC coins bonus on every coin purchase
Starting fromPromo -25%
€ -/mo
Blue, Green & Orange
Baby Murloc that will follow you around in all your adventures.
City Portals
Access to your faction city portals. 10s cast time - Not usable in combat.
30 minutes cooldown
Dual Specialization
Free for each character, available at any Innkeeper
Lvl.40 & 1h cooldown
4 x 20 slot Bag
Get 4 units of the 20 slot bag! (For each characters)
BoP - Unique(4)
Nightsaber Mount
This is one of the original retired mounts, its speed will adapt to your riding skill (60% or 100%).
Tabard of Frost
Unique tabard formerly obtained from the World Of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Tabard of Flame
Unique tabard formerly obtained from the World Of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Animated Avatar
Special rank and animated avatar on the forums to show your amazing support!
+10% HC Coins
You get a 10% HC coins bonus on every coin purchase
Click to reveal all Perks
Tabards, companions, mounts.. (Available for all Realms)
Cosmetics are recovered on character death.
Sanctuary Services
Only available for our non-permadeath Sanctuary Realm
Sanctuary Realm
Rename, Transfers, Race change..
A Kind Soul
Wanna help without any counterpart?
I’m currently managing, developing, and fixing things on the server on my own. It’s a lot of work (and unfortunately not compensated), and the hosting and advertising costs are higher than the revenue generated from the shop each month.
Any help is always appreciated, but absolutely not expected!
I genuinely enjoy working on this and seeing players have fun! I hope you're enjoying it too!
- Nyu.
Any help is always appreciated, but absolutely not expected!
I genuinely enjoy working on this and seeing players have fun! I hope you're enjoying it too!
- Nyu.

Official addon for interacting with our server's custom implementations
Our official addon is compatible with all clients (Vanilla 1.12 and modern Classic 1.14)